Sales and Marketing Tips for Your Association's Job Board
For any association running a job board, building up a revenue stream is vital. Non-dues revenue is an important aspect of any job board or career center, so you want to make sure everything is working together to bring in more non-dues revenue.
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For any association running a job board, building up a revenue stream is vital. Non-dues revenue is an important aspect of any job board or career center, so you want to make sure everything is working together to bring in more non-dues revenue. A proper sales and marketing strategy can get the job done.
Did you know organizations with prioritized sales and marketing strategies receive 36% higher customer retention rates? That's right, with sales in mind and a marketing plan to match, your association's career center can see a major boost. Having an effective sales and marketing strategy is the difference between a job board that does its job and one that goes above and beyond to gain traffic and revenue. It's the one-two punch combination your association needs to secure a strong revenue stream and get job seekers and employers engaged with what you have to offer.
That’s why today, we’re going over effective sales and marketing strategies to increase site traffic and non-dues revenue at your association’s job board or career center.
In this week's episode of #WebScribbleWednesday, we're focusing on proper sales and marketing techniques to make your job board a hub for valuable revenue. We'll show you a few different features you can incorporate into your job board to make sure your traffic, engagement, and sales are all increasing month after month. For example, do you know what a job watch is and what it can do for your job board? What about the power of having a built-in sales and marketing team when purchasing a job board software? If this sounds like something you'd like to know more about, this video's for you.
Give this week's #WebScribbleWednesday video a watch and see how a powerful sales and marketing plan can boost your job board's revenue stream.
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