January 13, 2022

Web Scribble Launches The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine's New Career Center

Web Scribble's job board technology simplifies career connections among a highly specialized professional medical community through their new partnership with The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA).

Web Scribble has partnered with The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) to launch their new career center. The career center will serve to connect professionals in the medical subspecialty of regional anesthesia and pain medicine with employers, facilitating the creation of career opportunities in the field. Web Scribble's job board technology will provide both job seekers and employers with a refined user experience on both desktop and mobile devices, deep social integrations, and actionable analytics.

"Finding and creating career opportunities within a highly specialized field can be challenging, and we are excited that ASRA has worked with us to simplify the search for both candidates and job openings in this professional community," comments Alexey Gutin, CEO of Web Scribble.

ASRA is one of the largest subspecialty medical societies in anesthesiology with nearly 5,000 members in 66 countries on 6 continents. The new career center is expected to draw job seekers across the profession and provide a centralized resource for career development in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Job seekers will benefit from an intuitive search functionality as well as customized job alerts that will inform them of any new opportunities in the career of their choosing.

The new career center will also provide employers the option to reach ASRA's nearly 5,000 professional members through Web Scribble's Job Watch feature. Employers will find this talent pool to be a valuable resource when searching for candidates within the narrow subspecialty of regional anesthesia and pain medicine. The new features offered at the career center, such as Job Watch, will provide employers the unique opportunity to reach out to one of the largest subspecialty medical communities in the world. The new career center can be found at

About Web Scribble

Web Scribble provides innovative job board software solutions to hundreds of organizations throughout the world. Founded in 2001 and based out of Troy, New York, Web Scribble's job boards are designed to drive companies' digital recruitment revenues and create a better experience for both the employer and job seeker alike. For more information visit our product page or call 1-888-706-1394.

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