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How eCommerce Can Work for Your Job Board: 3 Tips

Looking for a way to drive up non-dues revenue for your association while also creating a better experience for members? ‍

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Looking for a way to drive up non-dues revenue for your association while also creating a better experience for members?

With a job board software that offers a great eCommerce system, you can do just that. For those associations that already use job boards, you know the advantage they give you in terms of increasing your non-dues revenue. Job boards allow you a quick and easy way to generate profit by selling jobs to employers, offer premium packages to members, and much more. In fact, in terms of revenue, it seems like job board are a win-win for most organizations.

But if you aren't using your job board's eCommerce system to the best of your ability, you could be missing out on some major revenue opportunities.

There could be a lot your association is missing out on in terms of e-commerce. You could be overlooking upsells, ignoring selling premium packages to members and employers, or even making things frustrating for users- driving them away from your job board altogether!

Since Web Scribble offers a job board software with incredible e-commerce features (don't believe us? Check it out here!), we thought it would be good to give you some tips on how you can make the most of your job board and score major revenue. That's right- this week's #WebScribbleWednesday episode is here, and it's all about how you can make e-commerce in a job board do all of the hard work for you while you sit back and collect revenue.

So, if you'd like to learn 3 valuable tips on how you can start increasing your non-dues revenue without having to create a new revenue stream or do much adjusting at all, this episode is for you. Dive into this episode of #WebScribbleWednesday- How eCommerce Can Work for Your Job Board: 3 Tips.

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